Aria Alum

Founder of the Hot Mamas Alpha Pledge Class Spring 2005

Founder of the Chocolate Roses Alpha Pledge Class Spring 2005 Positions Held: President Years Attended CNU: 2004-2008 Big: Erin Alpert (Alpha Chapter) Little: Amie Barnett Major: Biology Favorite Type of Music: Weird Al style parodies Currently: "I'm a zoo keeper of birds at the Virginia Aquarium and Marine Science Center and still playing the clarinet in the Tidewater Winds band. I also had my first child on Thanksgiving day."

Pledge Class: Gamma Rush Semester: Spring 2006 Positions Held: Sister, Philanthropy Chair Years Attended CNU: 2005-2009 Big: Becky (Andrews) Maxey Little: Ashley Bonzo-Ball Major: Sociology Favorite Type of Music: Country Currently: Preschool Teacher

Pledge Class: Zeta Rush Semester: Fall 2007 Positions Held: Sister Years Attended CNU: 2005-2009 Big: Amie Barnett Little: Elizabeth Howell Major: Political Science Minor: Leadership Favorite Type of Music: Modern, Hip Hop, Pop Currently: Caregiver; married with two sons, Daniel and Joshua

Pledge Class: Mu Rush Semester: Fall 2010 Positions Held: Sister Years Attended CNU: 2008-2012 Big: Becky Lundy Triplets: Erica McDaniel (Pledge Class Twin) and Miranda Sampson Major: Theater, Acting concentration Favorite Type of Music: Anything I can sing along to! Currently: "I am currently doing the starving artist thing around my region building up my acting resume and working odd jobs on the side."

Pledge Class: Delta Rush Semester: Fall 2006 Positions Held: Sister Years Attended CNU: 2006-2011 Big: Kate Judkins Littles: Amanda Scott Ritcher and Amber Mungavin Major: Biology Minor: Chemistry Favorite Type of Music: Everything! Currently: Finishing up Master's in Emergency Services Management and living in Gloucester; works at Busch Gardens as an EMT

Pledge Class: Eta Rush Semester: Spring 2008 Positions Held: Sister, Treasurer Years Attended CNU: 2005-2010 Big: Ashley Bonzo-Ball Major: Accounting Favorite Type of Music: Everything! Currently: Tax Associate for H&R Block

Pledge Class: Epsilon Rush Semester: Spring 2007 Positions Held: Sister Years Attended CNU: 2004-2008 Big: Sarah Trant Twin: Abigail Thomas Major: Communication Favorite Type of Music: Vocal jazz and Broadway Currently: Marketing secretary at ITT

Pledge Class: Gamma Rush Semester: Spring 2006 Positions Held in NKE: Big: Audrey Somero (resigned) Little: Heather Brown Major: Favorite Type of Music: Currently:

Pledge Class: Pi Rush Semester: Fall 2012 Positions Held in NKE: Sister, Secretary, PR Chair, Historian Big: Bethany Leinenbach Littles: Shelby Windmüller and Lisa Wright (Pledge Class Twins) Twin: Amber Zemko Major: Neuroscience and Biology Favorite Type of Music: folk, country, and indie Currently:

Pledge Class: Xi Rush Semester: Fall 2011 Positions Held: Sister Years Attended CNU: 2010-2013 Big: Amber Mungavin Little: Jem Kamran and Amber Zemko Major: English Favorite Type of Music: Everything! Currently: Working on Master's in English at Tiffin University, working as a piano teacher and professional musician

Pledge Class: Kappa Rush Semester: Fall 2009 Positions Held: Sister, Rush and Rituals Chair Years Attended CNU: 2007-2011 Big: Abigail Thomas Littles: Chrissy Brinkman and Erica McDaniel (Pledge Class Twins) and Miranda Sampson Major: Theater Favorite Type of Music: Motown Currently: Sound engineer, DJ, and announcer for StarQuest international performing arts competitions

Pledge Class: Mu Rush Semester: Fall 2010 Positions Held: Sister Years Attended CNU: 2010 Big: Becky Lundy Triplets: Chrissy Brinkman (Pledge Class Twin) and Miranda Sampson Major: Communications Favorite Type of Music: Nikki Sixx! Currently: Graduated at UNC Charlotte; works as a communications coordinator at an entertainment agency in North Carolina

Pledge Class: Xi Rush Semester: Fall 2011 Positions Held: Sister Years Attended CNU: 2011-2012 Big: Rebecca Shumate Twin: Addie Swindler Major: Computer Science Favorite Type of Music: Country Currently: "I'm currently working at Macmillan Publishing services so I can continue schooling in the future."

Pledge Class: Nu Rush Semester: Spring 2011 Positions Held: Sister Years Attended CNU: 2008-2012 Big: Heather Brown Little: Bethany Leinenbach Twin: Amanda Scott Ritcher Major: English, Literature concentration Minors: Political Science, Women and Gender Studies Favorite Type of Music: Country Currently: "I am studying for my Master's in School Counseling at Hampton University and hopefully I will be graduating this December."

Pledge Class: Mu Rush Semester: Fall 2010 Positions Held: Sister Years Attended CNU: 2008-2012 Big: Heather Brown Little: Rebecca Shumate Twin: Amber Mungavin Major: History Favorite Type of Music: Country Currently: Married and working for Macy's as a polo specialist

Pledge Class: Lambda Rush Semester: Spring 2010 Positions Held: Sister Years Attended CNU: 2010-2011 Big: Becky Lundy Triplets: Chrissy Brinkman and Erica McDaniel (Pledge Class Twins) Major: Biology Favorite Type of Music: Pop, Folk, Rock Currently: Attending school online for veterinary technology and preparing for her first son!

Pledge Class: Nu Rush Semester: Spring 2011 Positions Held: Sister Years Attended CNU: 2009-2013 Big: Amanda Ritcher Littles: Taylor McDaniel and Addie Swindler Major: Accounting Favorite Type of Music: Everything Currently: Working hard!

Pledge Class: Theta Rush Semester: Fall 2008 Positions Held: Sister Years Attended CNU: 2006-2010 Big: Sarah Trant Little: Becky Lundy Twin: Amanda Johnson Major: Biology Favorite Type of Music: Music that gets me pumped! Currently: Serving as an electronic technician in the U.S. Navy

Pledge Class: Gamma Rush Semester: Spring 2006 Positions Held: Sister, Vice President Years Attended CNU: 2005-2009 Big: Katie Lamp Littles: Amanda Johnson and Abigail Thomas Twin: Audrey Somero (resigned) Major: Theater, Scene Design concentration Favorite Type of Music: Folk, Scottish Currently: Works in customer service for Nationwide Insurance
Bella Alum

Pledge Class: Mu Rush Semester: Fall 2010 Positions Held: Sister, Philanthropy Chair, Vice President, Rush and Rituals Chair Years Attended CNU: 2010-2015 Big: Sarah Vance Little: Catherine Henne Twin: Meagan Adams Major: Psychology Favorite Type of Music: Country Currently: Recently married to Jacob Loya; in CNU's MAT program for Elementary Education

Pledge Class: Eta Rush Semester: Spring 2008 Positions Held: Sister, Philanthropy Chair Years Attended CNU: 2007-2012 Big: Anna Nordin Little: Aimee Caskey Major: Environmental Science Favorite Type of Music: Indie Rock Currently: Math and science special education teacher assistant

Pledge Class: Delta Rush Semester: Fall 2006 Positions Held: Sister, Treasurer Years Attended CNU: 2005-2009 Big: Jessica Watson (resigned) Little: Michelle Moses Major: Chemistry Favorite Type of Music: Classical, Christian, Oldies, Alternative Currently: "I am currently a mom of two and work at a daycare. My husband is still in the Marines and I live in Richmond."

Pledge Class: Kappa Rush Semester: Fall 2009 Positions Held: Sister, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, PR/Sisterhood Chair Years Attended CNU: 2009-2013 Big: Amanda Pretlow Littles: Hillary Lane and Marielle Grenade-Willis Triplets: Gen (Goupil) Cooley and Kim Langlais Major: Biology Favorite Type of Music: Alternative Currently: Working on my Master's at GMU for Education

Pledge Class: Sigma Rush Semester: Fall 2013 Positions Held in NKE: Sister Years Attended CNU: -2014 Big: Meagan Adams Little: Hunter Langdon Major: Psychology Minor: Sociology Favorite Type of Music: Pop Currently:

Pledge Class: Theta Rush Semester: Fall 2008 Positions Held: Sister, Historian, Vice President, President Years Attended CNU: 2007-2011 Big: KK Hoey Little: Gen (Goupil) Cooley and Kim Langlais (Pledge Class Twins) and Tori Osinski Twin: Kim Dahms Major: History Favorite Type of Music: Country, anything I can sing along with! Currently: "I currently live in Bloomington, IN with my fiancé. I just recently got my Masters Degree in Russian history. I'm getting married in October."

Pledge Class: Zeta Rush Semester: Fall 2007 Positions Held in NKE: Sister Years Attended CNU: Big: Kim Dahms Triplets: Sarah Vance and Jackie Ward Major: Favorite Type of Music: Currently:

Pledge Class: Omicron Rush Semester: Spring 2012 Positions Held in NKE: Sister, Alternate Greek Council Delegate, PR Chair, Webmaster Extraordinaire (Currently) Years Attended CNU: 2010-2014 Big: Kim Langlais Little: Kelsey Hill (resigned) Twin: Katie Kannan Major: Psychology Minors: Sociology and Communication Favorite Type of Music: Classic Rock Currently: Earning my Master's at Boston University!

Pledge Class: Kappa Rush Semester: Fall 2009 Positions Held: Sister, Rush and Rituals Chair, President Years Attended CNU: 2009-2013 Big: Kim Dahms Little: Rita (Lancaster) Loya and Meagan Adams Triplets: Candis (Albrecht) Raikes and Jackie Ward Major: Gerontology Favorite Type of Music: Oldies and Country Currently: Social worker at Coliseum Convalescent Rehabilitation Center

Pledge Class: Mu Rush Semester: Fall 2010 Positions Held: Sister, Rush and Rituals Chair Years Attended CNU: 2008-2012 Big: Kim Dahms Little: Brittany Bowen Triplets: Candis (Albrecht) Raikes and Sarah Vance Major: Molecular and Cellular Biology Favorite Type of Music: Rock Currently: Working at Navy Federal

Founder of the Bellas Alpha Pledge Class Spring 2005 Positions Held: Vice President Years Attended CNU: 2004-2007 Littles: KK Hoey and Sarah Rakes (resigned) Major: Psychology Favorite Type of Music: Everything, mostly country Currently: Working as a kindergarten teacher

Pledge Class: Rho Rush Semester: Spring 2013 Positions Held in NKE: Sister Years Attended CNU: 2010-2014 Big: Sarah Vance Little: Brittany Ponton Twin: Rita (Lancaster) Loya Major: Psychology Minors: Sociology and Communication Favorite Type of Music: Country Currently:

Pledge Class: Xi Rush Semester: Fall 2011 Positions Held in NKE: Sister, Sisterhood Chair, PR Chair Years Attended CNU: 2009-2015 Big: Jackie Ward Major: Biology Minor: Chemistry Favorite Type of Music: Any music with acoustic guitar or piano in the background Currently: "I'm currently getting my Master's Degree in Environmental Science at CNU."

Pledge Class: Eta Rush Semester: Spring 2008 Positions Held: Sister Years Attended CNU: 2004-2008 Big: Michelle Moses Major: Psychology Favorite Type of Music: Alternative Currently: Working customer service at IKEA

Pledge Class: Mu Rush Semester: Fall 2010 Positions Held: Sister Years Attended CNU: 2010 Big: Amanda Pretlow Triplets: Kim Langlais (Pledge Class Twin) and Tori Osinski Major: Social Work Favorite Type of Music: Rock and Hip Hop Currently: Graduated from ODU and married husband Justin; working in a parole office

Pledge Class: Delta Rush Semester: Fall 2006 Positions Held: Sister, Rush and Rituals Chair, President Years Attended CNU: 2006-2011 Big: KK Hoey Littles: Candis (Albrecht) Raikes, Sarah Vance, and Jackie Ward Twin: Amanda Pretlow Major: Philosophy and Religious Studies Minor: Math Favorite Type of Music: Everything except country Currently: "I'm currently studying for my Master's in School Counseling and working at Susquehanna Bank in Pennsylvania."

Pledge Class: Xi Rush Semester: Fall 2011 Positions Held: Sister Years Attended CNU: 2011-2012 Big: Hillary Lane Twin: Jordan Massey Major: Undeclared Favorite Type of Music: Country Currently: Saving up to go back to school for elementary education

Pledge Class: Rho Rush Semester: Spring 2013 Positions Held in NKE: Sister Years Attended CNU: -2014 Big: Tori Osinski Twin: Hillary Lane Major: Sociology, Anthropology concentration Minor: Writing Favorite Type of Music: Currently:

Pledge Class: Gamma Rush Semester: Spring 2006 Positions Held: Sister, Rush and Rituals Chair, President Years Attended CNU: 2005-2009 Big: Jill (Smetts) Woycik Littles: Kim Dahms and Amanda Pretlow Twin: Sarah Rakes (resigned) Major: Psychology Favorite Type of Music: Whatever I can sing along to! Currently: "I am about to get a paralegal certificate and hopefully get a job as a legal assistant or paralegal."

Pledge Class: Tau Rush Semester: Spring 2014 Positions Held in NKE: Sister Years Attended CNU: 2013-2014 Big: Laura Fielden Twin: Emily Craven Major: Favorite Type of Music: Currently: On a mission trip, then moving to Utah!

Pledge Class: Nu Rush Semester: Spring 2011 Positions Held in NKE: Sister, Historian, President Years Attended CNU: 2010-2014 Big: Kim Langlais Twin: Emily Schulz Major: Psychology Minor: Sociology Favorite Type of Music: Country Currently:

Pledge Class: Mu Rush Semester: Fall 2010 Positions Held in NKE: Sister, Secretary, Open Mic Night Chair, President Years Attended CNU: 2010-2014 Big: Tori Osinski Littles: Leah (Shampine) Dundon and Jordan Massey Twin: Marielle Grenade-Willis Major: English Literature Minor: Leadership Studies Favorite Type of Music: 80's rock Currently: "I'm in CNU's MAT program and work with Newport News public school secondary students. I also work as a substitute teacher and tutor in the area."

Pledge Class: Mu Rush Semester: Fall 2010 Positions Held: Sister, Treasurer, PR/Merch Chair Years Attended CNU: 2009-2013 Big: Amanda Pretlow Littles: Katie Kannan and Emily Schulz Triplets: Gen (Goupil) Cooley (Pledge Class Twin) and Tori Osinski Major: Psychology Favorite Type of Music: Indie, Rock, Pop Currently: Working as an administrative assistant at Therapeutic Interventions, Inc.
Siren Alum

Founder of the Sirens Alpha Pledge Class Spring 2005 Positions Held: Pledgemaster Years Attended CNU: 2002-2006 Little: Lindsay Simpson Major: English, Creative Writing concentation Favorite Type of Music: Rock, folk, anything with meaning Currently: "After graduation I got a Master's degree in library science. I was a children's librarian, and I am now a self employed sewist. In my free time I play roller derby, the ukulele, make stuff, and I will be a first time mom at the end of April!”

Pledge Class: Rho Rush Semester: Spring 2013 Positions Held in NKE: Sister Years Attended CNU: 2011-2014 Big: Kristin Monteith (resigned) Littles: Nikki Kiwus, Maria Carias and Sydney Hubbard (Pledge Class Twins) Major: Sociology Minors: Psychology and Childhood Studies Favorite Type of Music: Alternative rock or country Currently:

Pledge Class: Xi Rush Semester: Fall 2011 Positions Held: Sister, Treasurer, Merchandise Chair, Fundraising Chair Years Attended CNU: 2010-2013 Big: Kristin English Little: Kristin Monteith (resigned) Twin: Renée Stocks Major: Accounting Favorite Type of Music: Alternative Currently: "I passed the CPA exam and I'm going to William and Mary for my Master's in Accounting."

Pledge Class: Nu Rush Semester: Spring 2011 Positions Held in NKE: Sister, Music Chair Years Attended CNU: 2010-2014 Big: Rachel Mitchem Littles: Mary Lou Barnes and Amy Wixtrom (resigned) Major: Music Composition Minor: Philosophy Favorite Type of Music: French impressionism and bohemian Currently:

Pledge Class: Lambda Rush Semester: Spring 2010 Positions Held: Sister Years Attended CNU: 2007-2010 Big: Allison Forsyth McDavid Triplets: Karen Flynn and Kristin English (Pledge Class Twins) Major: Theater Favorite Type of Music: Anything with a good beat! Currently: Married and working as an insurance agent

Pledge Class: Mu Rush Semester: Fall 2010 Positions Held in NKE: Sister, Sisterhood Chair, Philanthropy Chair, Vice President Years Attended CNU: 2010-2014 Big: Allison Forsyth McDavid Little: Katie Clarke and Renee Stocks Triplets: Karen Flynn (Pledge Class Twin) and Dany Ellett Major: Communication Minor: Psychology Favorite Type of Music: Mostly indie pop Currently:

Pledge Class: Mu Rush Semester: Fall 2010 Positions Held in NKE: Sister Years Attended CNU: 2010-2014 Big: Allison Forsyth McDavid Littles: Aileen Clark and Caitlin Simmons Triplets: Kristin English (Pledge Class Twin) and Dany Ellett Major: Biology Favorite Type of Music: Currently:

Pledge Class: Kappa Rush Semester: Fall 2009 Positions Held: Sister, Rush and Rituals Chair Years Attended CNU: 2009-2011 Big: Megan Geers Littles: Karen Flynn and Kristin English (Pledge Class Twins) and Dany Ellett Twin: Rachel Mitchem Major: Psychology Favorite Type of Music: Alternative Currently: "I am currently working as an office manager, looking to pursue a career in counseling after grad school!"

Pledge Class: Eta Rush Semester: Spring 2008 Positions Held: Sister Years Attended CNU: 2006-2010 Big: Sarah Norton Little: Megan Geers Major: Psychology Favorite Type of Music: Classical and Broadway

Pledge Class: Iota Rush Semester: Spring 2009 Positions Held: Sister Years Attended CNU: 2007-2010 Big: Ryan (Frasier) McGuire Littles: Allison Forsyth McDavid and Rachel Mitchem Major: Musical Theater Favorite Type of Music: Rock n' Roll! Currently: “I am currently the lead singer of an alternative rock band in the Virginia Beach area, and we are going on a Southern state tour. My band is called JACT! Like our Facebook page!”

Pledge Class: Tau Rush Semester: Spring 2014 Positions Held: Sister Years Attended CNU: 2012-2014 Big: Lorin Cahow Triplets: Maria Carias (Pledge Class Twin) and Nikki Kiwus Major: Communication Favorite Type of Music: Literally everything! Currently: Pursuing music business at the University of Miami!

Pledge Class: Mu Rush Semester: Fall 2010 Positions Held: Sister, Treasurer Years Attended CNU: 2009-2011 Big: Megan Geers Little: Emily DeWoolfsen Twin: Allison Forsyth McDavid Major: Math Favorite Type of Music: Country Currently: "I am living in my hometown, Mathews County, working at Chesapeake bank as a customer service representative and finishing up my general banking diploma."

Pledge Class: Delta Rush Semester: Fall 2006 Positions Held: Sister, Rush and Rituals Chair, Philanthropy/Social Chair, Vice President Years Attended CNU: 2006-2010 Big: Shae Carpenter (resigned) Little: Ryan (Frasier) McGuire Major: Psychology Favorite Type of Music: Most everything but country! Currently: Working with individuals with special needs

Pledge Class: Tau Rush Semester: Spring 2014 Positions Held in NKE: Sister Years Attended CNU: Big: Karen Flynn Twin: Aileen Clark Major: Theater Favorite Type of Music: Currently:

Pledge Class: Beta Rush Semester: Fall 2005 Positions Held: Sister Years Attended CNU: 2003-2007 Big: Sara Warrick Little: Shae Carpenter (resigned) Major: English, Journalism concentration Minor: Literature Favorite Type of Music: Everything, John Mayer is my favorite Currently: Finished M. Ed. at UMW; teaches 10th grade English at North Stafford HS and coaches color guard