Sisterhood is very important to Nu Kappa Epsilon. We take pride in being a close group of women who not only enjoy music, but love having fun together. Fellowship events that NKE has hosted are movie nights, karaoke functions, mixers with other organizations on campus, study parties, and bonfire nights. NKE also holds Disney marathons, late-night IHOP dinners, holiday dances, craft nights, clothing exchanges, and our annual events, Open Mic Night and Rose Ball. To see what our sisters have to say about fellowship, please read on! Or see for yourself in our pictures below!
Be on the lookout here for our upcoming sisterhood events! You don't want to miss them!

"One of the things I really like are the sisterhood events, like the Christmas party, movie nights, or even just when some of us hangout after Chapter. I like that people are always up for hanging out, whether it's a scheduled event or not."
- Karen Flynn, Mu
"My favorite thing about sisterhood is having sisters and friends I can rely on. I feel like I fit in with them and they welcome me with open arms. That is what all sisterhoods should feel like. It should feel like home, and NKE feels like home to me."
- Diamond Chavis, Sigma
"I think my favorite part about the sisterhood aspect is that because everyone is so unique and different we always have something to talk about, there's never an awkward silence type deal where someone doesn't know what to say because someone always has something they can talk about. As for my favorite sisterhood event, it was probably between the bonfire we had (smores = happy Addie), or the open mic night. It was super fun just sitting and listening to sisters and other performers do their thing live in such an accepting atmospehere."
- Addie Swindler, Sigma
"I really love how we are able to come together and completely be ourselves. I feel like when you have such a big group of girls it can be hard to establish these kinds of bonds and be real with one another. I think that this is one of the reasons why NKE is so great, everyone truly becomes family and accepts each other. You know that everyone is going to be there for you, no matter what. I really love being apart of something that is so honest and real."
- Shelby Windmuller, Rho
"NKE has given me the opportunity to know extraordinary, and generous women. I am so blessed to be surrounded by such talented group of girls, who are passionate not only for music but also for helping others through their gifts."
- Jem Kamran, Pi
"The best part of sharing a sisterhood with such amazing girls is knowing that any time night or day, they would be there for me if I needed them just as I would be there for them anytime and every time. It's an unconditional love that flows over from one sister to the next and ranges from amazing events like our bonfire adventure to simple nights out to the movies as well as all the little moments in between."
- Lorin Cahow, Rho
"NKE is a place where you could connect, having a family on campus. I loved belonging and being able to share part of who I was during those impressionable years, and being surrounded by some of the most passionate, loving, lighthearted women that CNU has to offer. Not only can we laugh, but it is an environment where we can show our true authentic selves and be accepted. It's been an amazing journey, watching NKE grow from the small number it was when I started (less than 15) to over 50. Sisterhood."
- Allison Forsyth McDavid, Kappa
"My favorite part of being a sister is being loved by so many and being able to share so many characteristics, despite coming from different backgrounds. Being close to my sisters is unlike any relationship I have ever had before.If a sister is having a problem, we run to their side. We really are a family!"
- Renée Stocks, Rho
For additional questions, please contact
our Sisterhood Chair, Stephanie Layton