Frequently Asked Questions
If you have any other questions, don't be afraid to contact our E-Board!

Why should I rush NKE?
Although Nu Kappa Epsilon is growing in size, we have strong values in being a close group, bound by the love and appreciation of music. If you like Disney tunes, randomly breaking out in song, or singing your heart out in the car, and you want to meet fun, like-minded people... then NKE is the sorority for you!

What are the requirements to join?
Currently, Nu Kappa Epsilon's rush requirements are that you come to three rush events, one of them being the mandatory Ice Cream Social. Once initiated, you must attend our chapter meetings on Sundays at 8pm. Our only other requirement is that you enjoy service, music, and making lifelong friends!

Do I have to be musically talented?
Nope! Nu Kappa Epsilon takes women with all backgrounds in music. As long as you love music, that is all we care about!

I have stage fright. Will I ever have to perform?
NKE hosts events such as Open Mic Night and Christmas Caroling at local retirement homes. If you want to participate in these you are more than welcome to, but it is not an obligation. If being a supportive sister is more your thing, we would love to hear you cheering in the audience!

How much are sorority dues?
Per semester, pledge dues are $55 and active membership dues are $40.

What kind of service events does NKE hold?
The Beta chapter has been known to volunteer on the CNU campus through ushering musical performances, participating in various fundraising functions, and working with a music-related program throughout the school year. This year, our philanthropy is the Songs for Kids Foundation. To read more about NKE's service participation, please click here!

What if I am already in another Greek organization?
No problem! We have had several sisters who are a part of both social and other service Greeks!

How is NKE different from a social sorority?
Nu Kappa Epsilon was once a much smaller organization than many social sororities at CNU. We saw this as an opportunity to know all of our sisters better, and our tradition of a close-knit bond has remained throughout NKE. We do not have strong requirements because we want to induct all girls from all walks of life into our sisterhood! We are wild, fun, and awesome - period.